Almost one year prior to the launch of this campaign, XCOM were engaged by TQ to develop their social media strategy to ensure TQ could manage conversations prior to handover.
Stage 2 of this campaign involved a Blog that chronicled Ben’s 6-months in Queensland, as he fulfilled his duties as official Island Caretaker.
To generate continued interest in Queensland’s destinations through Ben’s experiences.
Case Study
Tourism QueenslandCAMPAIGN
Best Job in the World – Island Reef Job Blog- The design and layout of Ben’s Blog allowed him to write about destinations, adventures, and experiences as Island Caretaker.
- The concept kept the design simple and provided a one-stop portal for visitors to keep up with Ben’s daily adventures.
Almost one year prior to the launch of this campaign, XCOM were engaged by TEQ to develop their social media strategy to ensure TEQ could manage conversations prior to handover.
In January 2009 Tourism Queensland advertised ‘The Best Job in The World’- Island Caretaker of the Great Barrier Reef. 34,000 applicants from 200 countries applied for the job with the successful applicant being United Kingdom’s, Ben Southall.
Stage 2 of this campaign involved a Blog that chronicled Ben’s 6-months in Queensland, as he fulfilled his duties as official Island Caretaker. Challenges included designing an updating and maintaining process that was easy for Ben whilst on the road. This was overcome by using several automated content upload tools and a Blog input system..
To generate continued interest Queensland’s destinations through Ben’s experiences.
Consumers interested in following Ben adventures and potential holiday makers to Queensland.
The design and layout of Ben’s Blog allowed him to write about destinations, adventures, and experiences as Island Caretaker. The concept kept the design simple and provided a one-stop portal for visitors to keep up with Ben’s daily adventures. It was also important to allow maximum engagement and interaction for users to be part of the communication.
- Twitter feed and retweet feature for every post
- Flickr display
- Tag Cloud
- GPS driven Triptracker map
- Embedded video
- 389,045 total visitors
- 353,784 unique visitors
- 964,399 page views
- 7.2 minutes average time on site
Leveraging this traffic, a viral campaign ‘The Best Experience In The World’ was integrated. The prize being a trip to Queensland for 4 mates for up to 7 weeks to help Ben explore the 900 islands of the Great Barrier Reef.
- 23,295 entries
- Entries from more than 150 countries
- Over 95,000 forwarded messages from the campaign site