XCOM developed the innovative ‘This is my Paradise’ campaign microsite for Tourism Tropical North Queensland and Tourism and Events Queensland. At the forefront of an emerging trend in tourism marketing the campaign captures the hidden secrets of Tropical North Queensland through the eyes of everyday locals doing extra-ordinary things.
The campaign microsite was developed as the primary portal for the 3x finalists’ campaign videos, promoting Tropical North Queensland. The campaign featured an easy to enter competition mechanic (based on picking your favourite video); trade-partner advertising tiles linking to online offers; aggregated hashtagged social content and allowed sign-up to the TTNQ e-newsletter, to grow the client’s email database for ongoing communication.
Case Study
Tourism Tropical North QueenslandCAMPAIGN
This is my Paradise- An innovative campaign microsite with compelling video and user-generated content, trade-partner offers and an easy to enter competition mechanic.
- The lucky major prize winner had the opportunity to follow in the footsteps of their favourite adventurer with a 3 night, all expenses paid getaway to Tropical North Queensland.
Based on a design from Sapient Nitro, XCOM developed the innovative campaign microsite encouraging Queensland’s southern counterparts to escape the winter blues by showcasing the unique adventures and up close nature encounters available year round in Tropical North Queensland.
The campaign microsite was developed as the primary portal for the 3x finalists’ campaign videos, promoting Tropical North Queensland. The campaign featured an easy to enter competition mechanic (based on picking your favourite video); trade-partner advertising tiles linking to online offers; aggregated hashtagged social content and allowed sign-up to the TTNQ e-newsletter, to grow the client’s email database for ongoing communication.
The creative gurus at Sapient Nitro designed a campaign that captures the hidden secrets of Tropical North Queensland through the eyes of these three passionate locals with remarkable stories.
XCOM developed the appealing and responsive microsite which tells the unique stories of a father daughter duo passionate about the dwarf minke whales, exploring the region’s vast underwater landscapes through free diving; the global pioneer of trail mountain biking and a second generation adventure seeker who splits his time between the sea and the sky.
Through authentic experiences, This is my Paradise encouraged visitors to explore the rich diversity and breathtaking landscapes of the region, offering the chance to win an all expenses paid 3 night Tropical North Queensland Holiday and follow in the footsteps of their favourite adventurer.
Visitors could also share their own experiences of paradise by uploading photos of Tropical North Queensland to Instagram, Facebook and Twitter using #ThisIsMyParadise.
By sharing the competition on Facebook, individuals were also eligible to win one of 8 x $100 Anaconda store vouchers. Prize winners were announced on Tourism Tropical North Queensland’s Facebook page weekly.
- 15,250 total entrants
- 42% of entrants were from mobile devices
- 58% of entrants were from desktop
- 3,148 Facebook shares
- 3,055 bonus referral entries
- 8,336 New Email Subscribers